Jaden Smith Gets Trashed After Bizarre Interview Saying He's 'Sad': 'We Enable These Rich Kids'

Jaden Smith
Jaden Smith speaks about staying authentic as a creator at the Samsung Galaxy Creators Collective. Richard Rodriguez/Getty Images

Jaden Smith is getting harsh backlash after a recent interview he did.

Speaking to Complex in an interview published on October 18, Smith confessed to being "really sad" right now, an emotion that helped inspire his new project, 2024: A Case Study Of The Long Term Effects Of Young Love.

"Honestly, I just wanted to make it because I'm sad. And it's my sadness that connects me with my community and fans," he told the publication.

"I'm hoping that I can leave enough information behind for psychologists of the future to look back and be like, 'Man, what was really wrong with this guy? Like, there's some serious stuff that's wrong with him. Like, what is it," Smith furthered.

Smith then shared why it was important for him to cry while making the album, noting that one will fill up with water if they do not cry.

"I think people will fill up with water and drown on the inside. I think that it's imprint to cry just to get water out of your body," he concluded.

To make matters worse, Smith shared how different his is than 12 years ago, saying that he is afraid to go outside.

"The older that I get, the more scared I get to even just walk outside. I don't think I was really like that then. Now it takes a lot for me to just get out of my bedroom, out of my house. Back then, it wasn't really like that," he shared.

Smith's comments about his sadness and what he hopes psychologists will study about him in the future did not go over well with the general public, with many claiming that he is disconnected from the average person.

"Lol I wish I was so rich that I could spew nonsense and play sad while driving my Ferrari home to lay next to the girl of my dreams every night. Must be nice," commented one person.

"It feels forced," chimed in another.

"Psychologists gonna study why his ego so big," joked one X user.

"When I see men like this I just think that their fathers set them up for failure," read another comment.

"I find Jaden Smith's whole thing genuinely so interesting. He is DESPERATE to create moving art, something with depth, but his entire life, he grew up sheltered with a silver spoon - so when he tries to express 'deeper' thoughts, it always comes off stilted," someone else said.

"We enable these rich kids," quipped a different person.

Elsewhere in the interview, Smith made bizarre comments about the move Twilight on two separate occasions. One such one was when he asked what his studio environment is like, Smith shared that Twilight is an important part of it.

"I put on Twilight, drink rose, smoke weed, and start recording," he said.

Another bizarre quote came when Smith was asked about what in the world did he notice that more people should know.

"That the ocean is the dopest thing that we have, and we should go inside of it and not f--k it up. Honestly. The ocean is sick. It's really the dopest thing," he replied.

However, he did still cop to being "weird as sh-t" in the interview.

2024: A Case Study of the Long Term Effects of Young Love is out now and consists of four songs that span a total of 10 minutes in length for the whole project.

Smith has not responded to the backlash as of now.

Jaden Smith, Music, Interviews
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