Amy Grant Details Vince Gill's Support Through Shocking Health Crisis, Including 4 Surgeries and Memory Loss

Vince Gill, Amy Grant
Jason Kempin/Getty Images

Country singer Vince Gill was there for his wife, Amy Grant, during one of the roughest points in their marriage.

In 2020, Grant began experiencing a series of health issues that included open heart surgery, a brain injury and throat surgery.

"It was just one thing after another after another," Gill tells People of their situation in a new interview.

Grant's first health crisis came as a complete shock to the couple. It was Gill who initially went in for testing. While his results came back fine, it was Grant's -- who has a family history of heart problems -- that were concerning.

Tests soon revealed that she was suffering from PAPVR (partial anomalous pulmonary venous return), a rare congenital defect that affects blood flow to the heart. Grant underwent a procedure for the condition during the COVID-19 pandemic, which left Gill unable to visit for some time. When he was able to, he recalled the sweet moment.

"She was still out from anesthesia, and I saw her, and it was just the most beautiful, peaceful thing on her face," he said.

Gill then devoted his time to helping his wife recover. However, in July 2022, Grant was out on her bike when she hit a pothole and fell hard. She was left unconscious even though she wore a helmet, suffering cuts, bruises and a debilitating brain injury that required hospitalization.

Grant was forced to postpone her concert dates as a result.

"It was really depressing. Everything was canceled, and I just said, 'What if I'm never all the way back?'" she said.

She shared that her husband offered great support: "He said, 'Things happen to people every day, and you just have to take one day at a time, and we're here, and I love you.' And that just kind of made every day of the journey OK."

Still, Grant experienced more health issues. The following year she had to have a procedure to remove a cyst in her throat and had to relearn how to sing. She also had to undergo surgery that same year as well.

While time has healed many of her injuries, Grant still suffers from some memory loss and could not recall the easy days of her marriage to Gill.

"My details are all a little fuzzy around it," she said.

Nevertheless, she and Gill remain as devoted to each other as ever: "We'd be just fine," Gill said.

"Yeah, we would. We'd be just fine," Grant added.

Vince Gill, Amy Grant
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