Alice Glass Leaving Crystal Castles According to Facebook Post; Is Band Done or Will Ethan Kath Find New Vocalist?

Some sad if not necessarily surprising news from the alternative music world yesterday as Alice Glass of Crystal Castles announced on her Facebook page that she would be leaving the duo.

"I am leaving Crystal Castles," she wrote. "My art and my self-expression in any form has always been an attempt towards sincerity, honesty, and empathy for others. For a multitude of reasons both professional and personal I no longer feel that this is possible within CC. Although this is the end of the band, I hope my fans will embrace me as a solo artist in the same way they have embraced Crystal Castles."

The good news for Crystal Castles fans is that although she labels this the "end of the band," we have no reason to believe it to be true yet. Glass was certainly a major part of the band's audio aesthetic thanks to her aggressive vocals but she joined the group during 2005, years after cohort Ethan Kath had founded the project. Yes, it always sucks when a longtime member is replaced but it doesn't spell the end of Castles necessarily.

Kath hasn't posted his version of events yet and the Crystal Castles Twitter page hasn't been updated in a few months.

Crystal Castles last released an album during 2012, III, and didn't have any other projects in the pipeline. If you didn't get the chance to check out Crystal Castles while it was still alive, check out the track "Baptism" below, which happens to be your correspondent's ringtone at the moment.

Crystal Castles
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