Iggy Azalea Explains Her Side of the Story After Telling Paparazzo To Get Ebola and Die

Perhaps you've seen this unflattering clip of Iggy Azalea berating a paparazzo outside of a convenience store.

"Maybe I've got AIDS now," the man says after Azalea's accomplice spits on him. "Maybe I've got ebola."

Azalea quickly shoots back: "I hope you have ebola. I hope you die. You're a f---ing c---," and then proceeds to shove her shopping cart at one of his accomplices.

Early Saturday morning, Azalea responded to the video via Instagram.

Something is only "the way it is" for as long as one ALLOWS it to be. What I'm comfortable consenting a paparazzi do doesn't require anyone's opinion but my own. I don't see why that's hard for some to fathom. Judge me for spazzing if you like but you only saw the 30sec aftermath which was classy in comparison to what he said to us inside the grocery store where we discovered him lying on the floor after we had repeatedly & politely asked him to leave multiple locations during the course of the day.

And no, she doesn't hate those who take photos of her.

I don't hate paps, just the really aggressive ones... I only treated him the way he treated me all day. Fair is fair playboys and girls.

Here's the original video:

It's been a rough week for Iggy. She's already had to fend off divorce rumors — she claims she was never married in the first place — started by the same man who was shopping around her sex tape this summer without permission.

Iggy Azalea, Paparazzi
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