Ice Cube Has High Praise for 'Straight Outta Compton' Movie: 'I Can't Wait to Bring This to the Screen'

Straight Outta Compton has wrapped principal photography and is ready to hit the big screen in August 2015. Executive producer Ice Cube confirmed as much on Jimmy Kimmel last night, saying he cannot wait to bring the movie to the big screen.

"My son is in it, he plays me in the movie, so I'm extremely proud of that, that's cool," Cube said, before being asked if O'Shea Jackson, 22, had to audition for the part of his father. "Hell yeah. He had to win the part. I ain't giving up nothing free."

According to Billboard, Cube went on to say O'Shea was "born to play the part," and that the cast did "a hell of a job, I can't wait to bring this to the screen."

A drive-by shooting rattled the crew a couple months ago. TMZ reported that an eyewitness saw "neighborhood guys" flashing gang signs at a passing car, and gunfire soon followed.

One nearby civilian was hit by a bullet but survived, according to the report.

"We're told filming will continue this week in a rough area of Compton," the report said. "Even though many members of the cast and crew are shaken, and worried about their safety."

The project was in hot water earlier this year for a seemingly racist casting call, in which the movie's producers were searching for "A" girls (all races, "hottest of the hottest"), "B" girls ("light-skinned"), "C" girls ("African American girls ... with a weave") and "D" girls ("African American girls ... Poor, not in good shape").

Not all press has been negative, though. The fact that Jackson will play his father is a fun quirk to a movie that will be sure to have rap fans pouring in on opening weekend in 2015.

"At that age people think that I was all serious and mean, but there was a mixture of hot and cold," Cube told The Guardian in April. "I could turn on a dime. And he has my temperament."

The movie gets its name from N.W.A's 1988 debut album, a landmark record that brought gangsta rap into the mainstream. The film is currently set for release Aug. 14, 2015.

N.W.A., Ice Cube
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