Teresa Giudice Headed to Connecticut Prison Made Famous by 'OITNB' in Spite of It Transitioning to a Mens-Only Facility

It seems that not a day goes by without some sort of crazy news connected to Teresa Giudice. In fact, just the other day she had filed with the court requesting that she be sent to a halfway house to serve her 15-month sentence rather than a federal prison. Apparently, Giudice believed that since she was a mother the court would take pity on her and allow her to serve at a halfway house so she could leave on weekends to be with her kids. Giudice's legal crisis manager, Wendy Felderman, quit on the spot because her client went over her head to make this request — one she felt unraveled all the groundwork that had already been laid. Giudice then received word that she will be serving her sentence in Danbury, Connecticut. FCI Danbury is the prison camp the hit Netflix series Orange Is the New Black is based on, and Guidice is being sent there is semi-miraculous. The camp is in the process of transitioning over to a mens-only facility, something that prompted many to speculate that she would instead be sent to a facility down South instead.

Things on the home front are rumored to be pretty dicey for the Giudice family, as she supposedly wants to pull off one more lavish Christmas for their kids. It is actually Joe Giudice who seems to be the voice of reason, wanting to scale everything back.

Let's face it, if not for the greed and overwhelming desire to live a pricey lifestyle on-camera, this couple would not be in this situation.

If there is a silver lining for Teresa, it is the fact that being sent to Danbury will keep her close to her daughters. Joe will be able to put the kids in the car to drive them up to see their mother each week if he wants to. The question is whether or not he will do it.

Do you think Joe will be hands-on enough with the kids while Teresa is away, or will the responsibility of the girls ultimately land in the hands of other family members? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

Joe Giudice, Teresa Giudice, RHONJ, Fraud, Jail, Prison, Lies
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