Joran van der Sloot Stabbed Twice in Peruvian Prison Where He Is Serving 28-Year Sentence in Connection with Stephany Flores's Death

Joran van der Sloot's name has made headlines ever since he was tagged as the prime suspect in the 2005 disappearance of Natalee Holloway. She disappeared from a graduation trip to Aruba and the last person Holloway was seen with was van der Sloot. At the time his father was a sitting local judge and van der Sloot slipped through the legal cracks because of it. He is currently serving a 28-year sentence for the murder of Stephany Flores in 2010. Van der Sloot was recently transferred to a Peruvian prison was he was reportedly stabbed twice and left quite possibly in critical condition, according to Reuters.

According to CNN, van der Sloot's new wife, Leidy Figueroa, claims her husband was stabbed twice: once in the shoulder and once in the waist. Both injuries are reportedly 2 centimeters — or 0.8 inches — deep, leaving him in pretty bad shape.

Van der Sloot's attorney, Máximo Altez, backs up Figueroa's claims that the convicted killer was stabbed by fellow prisoners. Van der Sloot was recently transferred to the Challapalca Penitentiary in the Andean department of Puno. It is well-known for its harsh conditions — it sits at more than 12,500 feet, where temperatures range between minus 4 to 48 degrees Fahrenheit.

In recent weeks Figueroa, who just delivered van der Sloot's first child — a daughter — in September, has claimed her new husband is being abused since his transfer to this new facility.

Jose Perez Guadalupe, director of Peru's National Penitentiary Institute, which oversees the country's prisons, has publicly labeled Figueroa a "compulsive liar" and has seriously questioned the sanity of her choices, according to Fox News Latino, saying, "For starters, no woman in her right mind goes to a maximum-security prison and marries the biggest killer there."

Figueroa has mentioned her fears that van der Sloot will never get a chance to know his new daughter. She might be right because as of now, once he finishes up his 28-year sentence, then van der Sloot is expected to be extradited back to the States to finally be charged in connection with young Holloway's disappearance and presumed murder.

Jail, Abuse, Convicted, Baby, Daughter
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