Morrissey Unsurprisingly Cancels European Gigs Due to Flu Outbreak

Morrissey continues to live up to his reputation of canceling shows, axing upcoming dates in France and Switzerland recently.

As NME reports, Moz's crew took to the fansite True-to-You in order to inform concert-goers. "Due to ongoing influenza amongst band and crew members tonight's show at Lausanne (Switzerland) cannot take place," the statement reads. "It is hoped that the show will be re-scheduled for December. Tomorrow's show at Basel looks unlikely, although Wednesday's show at Hannover (Germany) remains firmly in place. Apologies are offered for any inconvenience."

Morrissey has already canceled dates this year in the U.S., eventually sharing that he has been treated for cancer. "They have scraped cancerous tissues four times already, but whatever," he said. "If I die, then I die. And if I don't, then I don't. Right now I feel good. I am aware that in some of my recent photos I look somewhat unhealthy, but that's what illness can do. I'm not going to worry about that, I'll rest when I'm dead."

Over the summer, the singer blamed his opening act Kristeen Young for passing on her flu to him, resulting in the canceled shows. Morrissey's health has been a concern for awhile, too. He was hospitalized three times in 2013 and once for a respiratory infection this year.

In August, the former Smiths singer was dropped from Harvest Records and his recent release, World Peace is None of Your Business, was removed from retailers. Via a statement, Morrissey said the label "botched" his record. He said of the incident, "I believed that the rich soil of the album had several strong hit singles. Frayed tempers began when Harvest arranged the 'spoken word' films, none of which gave any clue as to what World peace is none of your business [sic] intended to be, or is," he said, referencing the questionable videos that preceded the album's release. Those videos have since been taken down.

Moz has dates scheduled overseas through the end of the month.

Morrissey, Canceled shows, France, Europe
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