Coca-Cola and (RED) Offering Prize of a Lifetime with Deadmau5

Deadmau5 is often viewed as callous and cold due to his at-times rough remarks aimed at other disc jockeys, but behind that tough exterior is a kind soul who is prepared to share his kindness with the world. With World AIDS Day right around the corner on Dec. 1, (RED) is ramping up its public awareness campaign for the day and is using deadmau5 to target the younger demographic. In partnering with Coca-Cola, (RED) and deadmau5 will be offering the prize of a lifetime for one lucky fan to hang out with deadmau5 and have a custom mau5head made for them, according to Dancing Astronaut.

This is not the first time deadmau5 has worked with (RED). He contributed the dance (RED) saves lives album in 2013 with his hit single "The Veldt." As part of that soft interior, he has also worked with the Make-A-Wish Foundation recently to take a kid out to dinner and bring him on stage during a performance.

Also, he got wind that a DJ fan and a member of the "horde," according to a post on his tumblr, "Zac Campbell had a pretty s----y night recently ... Ill spare you the details, but he was DJing in a small club for a DJ competition, and after he left his gig, gear in hand ... he was attacked with a knife, stabbed 3 times, bitten, and beat the f--k up."

Deadmau5 stepped in, replaced his equipement and gave him some new software to help him start producing on his own.

The full contest will fly you out to Toronto and put you up in a four-star hotel, where you will then be given a tour of deadmau5's studio. For all you gear-heads and producers who follow deadmau5, know just how much of a treat that would be with the amount of hardwear he has in there. You will also have a custom mau5head made for you and not one fans make on their own, but a head created by the same company that makes the ones for deadmau5 himself.

Enter the contest here.

Deadmau5, Red
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