Carlesha Freeland-Gaither Safe at Home, Delvin Barnes in Custody on a Slew of Charges Including Attempted Capital Murder

Carlesha Freeland-Gaither is safe and back at home in Philadelphia after a horrific ordeal that began last Sunday night, Nov. 2, when she was abducted from a Germantown street a few blocks from her apartment. The video of Freeland-Gaither being dragged, kicking and screaming down the block, went viral and probably played a huge role in investigators finding her in relatively OK shape Wednesday night, Nov. 5, in Jessup, Maryland. Delvin Barnes is currently in custody and is actually being held on an unrelated warrant for attempted capital murder.

Apparently, U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents received information from Virginia that tipped them off to the notion that Barnes could be their man, and they found his vehicle late Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 4, on a road in Jessup. It had its back window kicked out, something that those who witnessed Freeland-Gaither's abduction said she had managed to do.

Police saw Barnes and Freeland-Gaither in the vehicle and surrounded it. As Barnes climbed from the back seat to the front, law enforcement then moved their vehicles to surround his car. Freeland-Gaither was rescued and Barnes was taken into custody without a fight. She was later taken to a Maryland hospital for evaluation and eventually released to her family.

Sources say Freeland-Gaither is extremely upset and investigators are going to give her a little time before interviewing her.

Meanwhile, Barnes is currently being held on an unrelated Virginia warrant that alleges attempted capital murder, assault and malicious injury with acid, explosives or fire. He will also face federal charges in Freeland-Gaither's abduction. This guy is apparently a vicious repeat offender and investigators are hoping he will be off the streets permanently.

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Jail, Maryland, Case, Predator
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