The delightful dysfunction of MTV's popular reality show The Osbournes is coming back to television, according to Ozzy's wife and manager, Sharon.
"Ozzy has decided that he wants to do another few episodes — not a whole season, about eight episodes — of The Osbournes," the matriarch said during an appearance on the U.K. talk show Loose Women, Blabbermouth reports. "It's been 13 years since the last one. He said that for the whole three years that we did it, he was drunk the whole time, so he said he would like to do one where he is completely sober, as he is now..."
The Osbournes first aired in 2002 and became an instant hit for MTV. The reality show featured the former Black Sabbath singer and his family — wife Sharon, son Jack and daughter Kelly. While airing the crew's dirty laundry on national TV, the series also introduced the rock icon to a new generation of fans. The show came to an end in 2005.
"It's not forever," Sharon added about the miniseries. "It's no more than eight episodes. Because it's been 13 years and our lives have changed so much, it's a kind of catchup. It's like, 'What are they doing now?' That's it."
Filming will reportedly begin in January.
The Prince of Darkness spoke with The Times-Picayune recently about the success of the show. "It was a TV show, which was a good idea that went fucking out of control," he said. "The No. 1 mistake I made was having it filmed in the house I lived in, instead of a reproduction in a studio where I could go every day and come home. You have camera crews living in your garage 24/7 for three years; anybody would go fucking crazy at the end of it."
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