Skrillex Jokes That He Would DJ With Paris Hilton For $5 Million

After grabbing deadmau5 recently, TMZ decided to do the same with superstar DJ / producer Skrillex at LAX as he boarded a flight and asked him about Paris Hilton. They cut right to the chase and asked him what his price would be to DJ with Paris Hilton.

After thinking about it for a second or two, he responded jokingly that he would play with her for $5 million and donate all the money to charity.

Deadmau5 was just approached by TMZ as he was taking a Make-A-Wish Foundation child out to dinner and was asked the same question. He sarcastically responded that he would do for $2 million. With Skrillex's demand for $5 million, it appears he just got one upped by his buddy.

The offers are starting to come in for Paris, so we will see if she decides to try and cash in on them. TMZ may try and ambush a few more DJs to get their response to the question.

Maybe with all of the money that she made with from her Ibiza shows, she can cough up the cash to pay both of them and do a back-to-back-to-back set.

Skrillex has been busy in 2014, releasing his artist album Recess and going on several tours in support of it, including unleashing a new spaceship for his live show and releasing his documentary "Let's Build A Spaceship" with Red Bull.

He had one minor setback recently, with the early leak of his remix EP for two tracks from Recess, "Ease My Mind" and "Ragga Bomb". The label also had Knife Party's debut album Abandon Ship leak early on iTunes, so there may be an issue.

Skrillex, Paris Hilton
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