Scott Peterson's Mistress Amber Frey Has Reportedly Never Gotten Her Life Together After Testifying Against Him

It has been a long time since we have heard the name Amber Frey. It may ring a distant bell for many because she was Scott Peterson's mistress. On Christmas Eve 2002, Peterson's pregnant wife Laci went missing in a case that dominated national headlines. Frey came forward pretty quickly once Peterson's face was plastered all over the place because she had been seeing him on the side. At the time Frey had no idea he was married or expecting a child, but went to police pretty quickly. It was eventually her testimony that helped prosecutors to not only convict Peterson in the murders of his wife and unborn son, but also to secure the death penalty against him.

At the time of Peterson's 2004 conviction, Frey was a single mother working as a massage therapist, and so she decided to write a book about her side of the nightmare. While it landed on the bestseller list, Frey's life did not improve as one might have hoped. She is currently 38 and raising two children on her own. In a recent exclusive with Radar Online, her father, Ron Frey, claims his daughter has never been the same after dating Peterson.

"The ordeal flipped my daughter's brain upside down and scarred her for life. She just hasn't been able to maintain a relationship since then. Scott broke her heart, and it's never been able to be repaired. Amber is so out there that it's a nightmare," he said.

Do you think having such bad radar and trusting Peterson has caused Frey to never really trust her own instincts when it comes to men, or is she just one of those women who always picks the worst guy possible for her? It sounds like Frey has been a victim of Peterson's as well. She may have just been collateral damage to him at the time, but realizing that you have spent quality time with a ruthless killer has to really mess up a person's head, don't you think?

Pregnant, Lies
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