Sir Mix-A-Lot Admits that Jennifer Lopez Was the Inspiration for Hit Single 'Baby Got Back'

You cannot go online anymore without seeing some celebrity's butt. Kim Kardashian's recent photo shoot with Paper magazine damn near broke the Internet, and Nicki Minaj's "Anaconda" video stopped a few gentlemen in their tracks. Metal band Mastodon even got in on the fun as well with their video for "The Motherload." Gluteus maximus enthusiast/rapper Sir Mix-A-Lot still insists Jennifer Lopez wins for her booty, though. After all, she was the inspiration for Mix's hit "Baby Got Back."

The rapper, whose famous tune was sampled in Minaj's "Anaconda," recently weighed in on the current booty trend, telling TMZ that he still favors his muse J.Lo.

Mix talked to MTV in August about how Minaj came to use some of his butt-praising song for her huge single.

"I don't really know Nicki Minaj, but I can tell you this: Lazy, she is not," he said. "That girl works hard. I was blown away by her work ethic. She would hit us up, she'd be in the studio vibing, coming up with different ideas, making sure those ideas were cool. She'd call you back after a couple more hours."

After the video came out that month, Mix was quick to put his thoughts elegantly into a tweet.

"Ok after watching @NICKIMINAJ Anaconda 37times I only have one word to sum up my feelings. DAMNNNNN!!!!!! #AnacondaVideoOnVevo," he wrote.

Mix's girl J.Lo came out with a booty-centric video shortly thereafter. The 45-year-old singer ended up catching some flak for the clip, to which she responded, "You have to know that you don't disappear after you're 28 years old. You can be here, you can be vital and young and sexy and feel good about yourself."

No word on how many times Mix watched Lopez's video.

Sir Mix-A-Lot, Jennifer Lopez, Nicki Minaj, Anaconda, Kim Kardashian, Mastodon
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