On the eve of Saturday Night Live, SNL has been putting out some quality promo videos for its upcoming episode featuring Kendrick Lamar and Woody Harrelson. This one has K.Dot, Woody Harrelson and Kate McKinnon all in the short, 46 second promo video where Woody Harrelson introduces himself, along with music guest Kendrick Lamar and gets roped into giving piggy back rides to Kate McKinnon and Kendrick (via MTV).
Kate McKinnon gets Kendrick confused for Matthew McConaughey, the co-star of True Detective as she says "I've been going around telling people I tounged Matthew McConaughey", to which K.Dot flatly responds, "I am sorry I deceived you."
The following cut sees Woody Harrelson bring McKinnon into the shot on his back and then Kendrick asks for a piggyback ride from the Hunger Games star.
Kendrick Lamar has been busy lately on a big media tour around the United States talking about his latest single "i" and building the hype for his still unfinished, but soon to be released upcoming sophomore artist album. His fans are eagerly awaiting his next body of work since the rousing success and artistry of good kid, m.A.A.d city and the change of pace shown with his new single "i". We will see what he decides to perform on Saturday night.
Woody Harrelson is hosting six days before The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Pt. 1 gets released in theaters. Woody Harrelson in a previous clip (via Time) wants to turn SNL into the Hunger Games, so we may be seeing a big Hunger Games themed night with K.Dot music being performed.
The movie soundtrack has slowly been leaking out onto the web and has featured artists like Kanye West, Ariana Grande, CHVRCHES, Charli XCX and many more. Lorde was given the job of curating the soundtrack.
Tune in on Saturday, Nov. 15 at 11:30 p.m. to see both of them in action.
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