Prince Removes Himself From The Internet, Deletes Twitter, Facebook Accounts

Among Prince's exceedingly long list of quirks is his aversion to the Internet, which makes it very difficult to find any of his music online. Although it appeared as if he was changing his stance on the Internet over the past year, creating a Twitter account and sharing some of his new songs online, that has all come crashing down today, Nov. 25, as The Star Tribune reports that the Purple One has deleted his Twitter account, Facebook page, and pulled many of his recent videos off of Youtube without warning. No reason has yet been given for this Internet blackout, but we probably shouldn't be holding our breath for one.

Prince's brief Internet presence was strained at best. Back in October, he famously hosted a Facebook Q&A for his fans, but ended up answering just a single question about sound frequencies that only audiophiles would understand. He pulled a similar stunt for a Yahoo! webcast, which promised two hours of music but only ended up delivering three songs.

"The Internet's completely over," Prince told The Mirror back in 2010. "I don't see why I should give my new music to iTunes or anyone else. They won't pay me an advance for it and then they get angry when they can't get it."

"The Internet's like MTV," he continued, "At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with number and that can't be good for you."

One of the few Prince music videos that hasn't yet been pulled from Youtube is his Art Official Age track "Breakfast Can Wait," which you can check out right here:

Prince's most recent studio albums Art Official Age and Plectrumelectrum were released simultaneously on Sept. 30. Art Official Age was a solo album, while Plectrumelectrum was recorded with his touring band 3rdeyegirl.

Prince, 3rdEyeGirl
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