Atmosphere Drop 'Fortunate' Music Video; One-Shot Slow-Motion Capture Provides Visual For 'Southsiders' Track

Atmosphere— the hip-hop combination of rapper Slug and producer Ant — found stardom with a collection of Billboard-charting albums in the 2000s, and the duo dropped their eighth studio album, Southsiders, in February.

The latest release has already spawned videos for "Bitter" and "Arthur's Song," and now comes the most interesting of the trio—a slow-motion, one-shot "Fortunate" video of the boys walking along the line of fans waiting outside a Los Angeles show.

Slug released a statement on the Rhymesayers website earlier this week.

"as a thank you to everyone who came out to the north of hell shows, we made a video. 

we asked our friend dan monick to shoot this video on ant's birthday, outside of our most recent los angeles show at the hollywood palladium. shout out to anyone who waited in one of the many lines to help make this tour such a fun experience. we truly are fortunate to have the most amazing fans/friends/supporters in the entire world."

Earlier this year, Slug—a Minneapolis native—described his rap upbringing.

"I consider myself an anthropologist when it comes to hip-hop," he told CleveScene. "I collect it. I look for it. I've been doing that my whole life. Technically - and I don't want to overstate this - this s--- saved my life. I grew up in a working-class neighborhood, kind of standard for your Bruce Springsteen song. But there were a lot of gangs in my neighborhood. It was a gang culture that was kind of insecure about its status."

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