Magic Johnson Praises LeBron James For Speaking About Ferguson, Eric Garner

Several athletes have been outspoken on the Michael Brown and Eric Garner situations, but there hasn't been a superstar response on the level of LeBron James' Instagram post a couple weeks back. The post pleased NBA Hall of Famer Magic Johnson, who called for other athletes to speak up.

"They have to get involved socially," Johnson told ESPN (via Sporting News). "They have to because it affects them, too. And it affects their families. They grew up in these situations; they must not forget that. They (were) once poor, they went to inner-city schools that didn't have technology or computers, they didn't have good books.

"LeBron is a great example of doing a wonderful job. When this first came out, when you think about everything that he stood up for — the Donald Sterling thing, when that mess happened, just now with these young people being shot down unarmed, he's been right out front, so I've got to give him a lot of credit. If he's out front being the best player, then the other guys usually follow the best guy."

Still, Johnson understands that it isn't easy for elite athletes to make their political views known.

"It's a sensitive subject right now," Johnson said. "Violence is not the answer, and retaliation isn't the solution. As a society, we just have to do better. I pray for the families of the lost ones."

Nba, LeBron James, Michael Brown, Eric garner, Ferguson
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