Grammy-Nominated ZHU Does First-Ever In-Studio Interview with Triple J [LISTEN]

One of the most mysterious artists in the world, ZHU just had his first in-studio interview in Australia on Triple J in the morning. Joining the Stereosonic tour across Australia, Steven Zhu, better known as the Los Angeles-based producer ZHU, stopped in somewhere near the Triple J studios to chat with the Matt & Alex on Triple J breakfast.

The "Faded" producer has kept his identity shrouded in mystery and even went so far as to do the interview in another room away from interviewers Matt & Alex. The interview focuses on the ZHU image and how he is able to stay anonymous, the reasoning behind it and his music.

Triple J dove into the mystery of ZHU and why his team has decided to keep him such an anonymous figure. ZHU remarks that he actually likes his status because he can exist in the shadows and see people for who they really are when they meet without knowing that he is "the DJ" or a famous producer.

It is refreshing to see a Grammy-nominated producer who could go out and embrace being a star instead eschew that lifestyle and enjoy being a regular citizen.

Zhu talks about his music present and future, where he reveals that he sings on the tracks from the Nightday EP, despite having a deep voice. His album is coming next year and, though he does not give many details on it, he leaves the door open to collaborations and many ranges of sounds, while also sharing that he had gone down to New Orleans to record with a jazz group.

Steven Zhu started producing years ago, and since the legend grew about whom this new mysterious producer was, the speculation mounted about who the man behind the curtain was as well. Ever since his "Moves Like Ms. Jackson" mashup got serious blog love, the Internet started buzzing over who this artist was. Then he released his Nightday EP, which saw the release of his hit and Grammy-nominated single "Faded" and the L.A.-based producer's stock took off from there.

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