VH1's Stephanie Moseley Killed by Husband Earl Hayes in Murder-Suicide After Rumored Affair with Trey Songz

Such a sad story coming out of L.A. with it being confirmed that Stephanie Moseley has been shot and killed by her husband, Earl Hayes, in a murder/suicide altercation. Moseley is known for her role on VH1's Hit the Floor and she is extremely popular in the dance world as she had toured with the likes of Usher, Chris Brown and a number of other popular artists. Champion fighter, Floyd Mayweather was actually on FaceTime with Hayes, trying to calm him down, when Hayes killed Moseley and then turned the gun on himself.

TMZ: Songz

"R.I.P babygirl. Once an angel on earth, now watching over us from Heaven. You'll b missed but never forgotten. Love" said Songz.

A number of other celebs have sent their love and condolences to the families of both Moseley and Hayes. This is such a sad story. Hayes was an up-and-coming rapper and Moseley had clearly arrived at a really good spot in her career. Did you watch her work on Hit the Floor? It just goes to show you, no matter how successful celebs may be we really have absolutely no idea what is going on behind the scenes in their private lives. Fame doesn't keep them from experiencing the same everyday hurts as the rest of us do.

Floyd Mayweather, Murder, Suicide, Cheating, Trey Songz, Married, Rapper, Investigation, Chris Brown, Usher
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