• Geraldo Rivera Claims That Michael Slager Will Never Be Convicted of Murdering Walter Scott

    The case of former South Carolina police officer Michael Slager, who shot and killed Walter Scott last week after a traffic stop went horribly wrong, has gripped the country for days. While two videos have surfaced -- one from a police dash cam and the other now-infamous footage filmed by a bystander -- there is always room to debate the murder charge that has been filed against Slager. Who better to argue what might have seemed like an obvious outcome then Geraldo Rivera? Rivera believes that Slager will never be convicted of murdering Scott.
  • Andrew Jarecki Says Robert Durst Audio Tapes Were Turned Over to Police Months Ago

    HBO had teased that 'The Jinx' was going to end in explosive fashion, and it was not kidding. Just hours before the finale of the documentary based on Robert Durst was set to air, police moved in and arrested him on a murder warrant for the death of Susan Berman. She had served as Durst's spokeswoman and was shot in the back of the head in 2000. It was right before she was expected to be questioned about the disappearance of Durst's first wife Kathleen nearly 20 years earlier. Ironically, a typo on a handwritten piece of paper is what ultimately lead to Durst's unraveling. Andrew Jarecki was the director of 'The Jinx' and spent a good deal of time with Durst. He and the rest of the production team was absolutely stunned to hear Durst mutter into an open mic, "What the hell did I do? Killed them all, of course." While it can and no doubt will be argued that Durst assumed he had privacy while in the bathroom, the fact is he still had a hot mic clipped to him and understood how it worked. Jarecki turned all the audio tapes over to police months ago, and on Monday, March 16, he sat to discuss his experience with Durst on 'CBS This Morning.'
  • Jesse Matthew Has Been Charged With Murder of UVA Student Hannah Graham

    Five months after Hannah Graham of UVA was last scene on a surveillance camera walking with Jesse Matthew near Charlottesville Mall in Virginia, he has been charged with her murder. The 18-year-old University of Virginia student's murder has always been linked to 32-year-old Matthew, but until late last night, Feb. 9, he had only been charged with abduction with intent to defile. Prosecutors apparently now believe they have enough evidence against Matthew that will stick.
  • Jodi Arias Trial: Defense Has Rested in Penalty Phase

    Jodi Arias' defense team has done everything that they can to spare her life during the penalty phase of her trial and they have already rested their case. The prosecution will be up next to try and convince the Phoenix jury that she deserves the death penalty for killing Travis Alexander back in 2008. Her sentencing retrial began back in October because jurors were deadlocked the first time around. Prosecutors are hoping that Arias' punishment fits the crime and this doesn't end the same way that the first penalty phase trial did.
  • New Survivors Issue of 'Charlie Hebdo' Features Muhammad on Cover Holding 'Je Suis Charlie' Sign

    After two Muslim extremist gunmen killed 12 people last week in a massacre at "Charlie Hebdo's" French offices, it vowed that it would not be the end of the satirical publication. Various members of the French media worked together to help the surviving staffers put out this weeks' issue on time, and the new cover just dropped this morning, Jan. 13, and it is as button-pushing as ever.On a bright green background, the Prophet Muhammad is depicted crying and holding up a "Je Suis Charlie" sign under the words: "All is forgiven." The world has literally united after this terrorist attack, and last weekend a million people marched in Paris for peace and unity, plus the refusal to walk in fear. Obviously, it is important for "Charlie Hebdo" not to be silenced because freedom of speech is its right. The newest newspaper will be available Wednesday, Jan. 14, and there are 3 million copies of this special "survivor's issue" being produced.
  • Rapper Cool C to Face Execution Tomorrow for Murder Conviction

    As decided 19 months ago, golden-age rapper Cool C, is set to be executed tomorrow, Jan. 8. The Philadelphia-based rapper — whose real name is Christopher Roney — was convicted of murder in the first degree for the shooting of Police Officer Lauretha Vaird, which happened in 1996.The shooting occurred during an attempt Cool C made with two other men, including his rapping partner Warren "Smooth B" McGlone, to rob a Philadelphia PNC Bank branch. Roney, who at the time was 26, fired his weapon as soon as Vaird walked through the bank's front doors. The incident marked the first occurrence in the city's history that an officer was killed responding to a call.The rapper has spent the last 18 years in prison and will face execution by way of lethal injection tomorrow. As reported, Cool C was originally scheduled to be executed March 9, 2006, but he was granted a delay by the governor of Pennsylvania at the time.