Deadmau5 can be a bit of a Grinch sometimes, but when it comes to his fans he is always Santa Claus. In strange turn of events, a fan decided to do something creative and bold and send deadmau5 a disposable camera to see what would happen. Deadmau5 posted the new address for his compound outside of Toronto a little while back and has probably been receiving loads of fan mail, but this was an opportunity he could not pass up on.
some guy named ryan sent me a disposable camera, so i took pics of meowingtons and the studio and supid selfies n sending it back. lol 10/10
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) September 30, 2014
Zimmerman sent them back and Ryan, the fan, just received them and decided to put them online via the deadmau5 reddit thread. They include selfies of deadmau5 in his bathroom, where he keeps his DJ Mag top 100 trophies, pictures of his two cats and several of his old in home studio. He has since built his massive new studio on the complex, where he wants other artists to come in and work.
This is not the first time deadmau5 has been kind to his fans recently. He works with the Make-a-Wish foundation and his ultimatum to Paris Hilton for a DJ gig was done during one of those nights out. He also heard about a fan of his who was mugged and stabbed after a DJ gig and got all of his DJ gear stolen. Deadmau5 replaced everything for the kid and even upgraded his software as well. He can be a trolling, a rough individual at times, but the soft interior shows for his fans.
Check out a few of the pictures below and see the full photo album here.
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