Did Angelina Jolie Purposely Starve Herself While Working on 'Unbroken'?

Unbroken first rolled into theaters on Christmas day and already the numbers have been looking pretty strong. Angelina Jolie has promoted the heck out of this film in the last six weeks and while it's not her first directorial venture it certainly became a serious labor of love. The actors involved in Unbroken have praised Jolie and claim that working with her has been a fabulous experience. They also have expressed concern because the overworked mom of six barely ate on set.

According to a recent report by Radar Online, there was concern that Jolie was starving herself while working on the film. Jolie has always had some sort of negative rumors swirling around her. Her alleged drug abuse is kind of legendary and while the actress has totally cleaned up her act and morphed into a well-respected Hollywood icon, that doesn't mean that she still doesn't have a private demon or two to battle.

Jolie is known for being super thin, to the point that her health is often called into question. At times the media has questioned whether or not she is suffering from a serious medical illness or if she has an unresolved eating disorder that tends to flare up. One thing is pretty certain, Jolie doesn't like to eat in public because no one ever talks about her eating normally. What do you think that the real story is here? Does Jolie really have a problem or does she just eat a whole lot less while under stress? If that's the case, then directing Unbroken would certainly classify as a mountain of it, don't you think? Tell us in the comments below!

Angelina Jolie, Unbroken, Eating disorder, Stress, Drugs, Rumors, Media, Buzz
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