Justin Bieber Wipes Out on Skateboard in Front of Madison Square Garden: WATCH

If you love Justin Bieber, look away. But if you hate Justin Bieber or even just enjoy somebody totally eating it on a skateboard, well, today is your lucky day. Yes, the rascally pop star is capping off his rather embarrassing and music-free 2014 by wiping out on a skateboard.

Yesterday (Dec. 29), the "Home to Mama" singer was doing some casual skateboarding in front of dozen of paparazzi by New York City's Madison Square Garden when he couldn't manage to pull off his kick flip and stumbled down the arena's concrete stairs.

In a YouTube video cleverly titled "Justin Bieber is fallin for you" with the caption referring to the 20-year-old as a "fallen star," Bieber can be seen wearing a black hoodie and his hella light blonde hair attempting to do a skateboard trick in New York and instead, well, falling and spinning on the ground as his board rolls behind him.

The stumble itself is a pretty short incident, but because it is the Internet and YouTube, the viral clip circulating the web plays the fall over and over and over again, eventually slowing the action down to let Bieber's haters relive the skateboarding fail in all its glory.

Watch that bleach blonde boy tumble:

The skateboarding stumble is just the latest snafu in a bad year for Bieber. Not only has the teen idol spent the year getting arrested, going to depostions, being racist on video and breaking up with Selena Gomez, but he's disappeared almost completely from the music-making scene, spending much of the year on vacation.

Here's to a better 2015 for the Biebz. And if you don't like him, just watch the skateboard video again.

Justin Bieber
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