One Direction Fans Attack Tribute Band One and Only Direction on Twitter After 'FOUR' Promo Photo

You do not want to mess with One Direction - even if you're trying to pay tribute to the "Night Changes" band - lest you feel the wrath of the rabid Directioners fanbase. And now, 1D tribute band One and Only Direction is getting the brunt of Twitter jokes and jabs after posting a FOUR-related promotional photo on Twitter.

The band, which bills itself as the "UK's top tribute to One Direction," posted a new promo poster over the weekend imitating the band's newly famous FOUR cover artwork. One and Only Direction also teased its live show with a new promotional video, featuring clips of live performances and behind-the-scenes fun and action.

And while it all seems innocent enough, One Direction fans are not happy about the cover band and have taken to their favorite medium, Twitter, to last out at the tribute act. Using the hashtag #STOPyouarenot1D, Directioners are lashing out at the looks and talents of the five One and Only Direction members, saying that they are nowhere near as talented as the original boy band and liken them to "Walmart" compared to 1D's Chanel.

For their part, the boys of One and Only Direction have taken the Internet backlash in stride, thanking those who are kind to them for their support and maintaining that they’re just fans of One Direction like everyone else.

One Direction
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