Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston Both Snubbed by Academy for Oscar Nominations

Now Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie really do have something in common besides both being married to Brad Pitt at one point or another. This morning both of them were snubbed by the Academy when it came time to announce the official 2015 Oscar nominations. Jolie was angling for Best Director for her (actually quite amazing) work on Unbroken, while many believed that Aniston would be acknowledged for her work in Cake.

Instead, both women got up extra early for nothing because neither name made the cut. Jolie has already reportedly been very upset because although Unbroken is only the second film that she has ever directed, it's amazing and she knows it. She was stunned not to even receive a Golden Globe nomination and so today, no doubt, felt like another gut punch. Insiders have said that if it were a few years ago, then she would have easily been nominated but with the current batch of films and their excellent directors, Jolie simply didn't measure up.

As for Aniston, her spin as a miserable chronic pain sufferer in Cake was quite a departure for her and exactly the kind of role that she would never have braved even two years ago. Now though, she was dying to break out of the rom-com typecasting that has been attached to her name for years and in Cake, she did it. Just the fact that her name was mentioned as a potential Oscar nominee is a huge victory for the star and she likely knows it.

Who else do you think was overlooked by the Academy today? What are your thoughts on the actual list of nominees? Tell us in the comments below!

Oscar Nominations, Academy awards, Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie, Unbroken, Cake, Brad Pitt
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