Thanksgiving Day Music Playlist: stuff your face while stuffing your ears with these eight Turkey Day songs [LISTEN]

Thanksgiving is, unfortunately, the holiday that most often gets swept under the rug. Nuzzled in between the Hallmark behemoths that are Halloween and Christmas, Thanksgiving by and large got the pass when it comes to traditional holiday carols. Though there are plenty of songs that capture the spirit of being with family or stuffing your face with ridiculous amounts of food, songs purely for Turkey Day are few and far between.

Thus, Music Times has decided to put together a Thanksgiving-themed playlist for all your November 28 needs.

So, pull up a seat to the big kids' table with your overflowing plate, avoid your kind of racist Uncle Jerry, down a bottle of wine and rock out to this Thanksgiving Day playlist.


1. "It's Thanksgiving," Nicole Westbrook

The quintessential Thanksgiving song for the 2010s, Arc Music Factory saw a hole in the market and went for it. This tween sensation, alongside the super creepy mastermind Patrice Wilson made this Thanksgiving track last year to immediate viral video success. Can't be hateful, gotta be grateful.

2. "Over The River and Through The Woods"

This classic children's song describes getting together with family perfectly. "Over the river and through the woods / To grandmother's house we go..." we all know the familiar tale. Time to leave that cozy modern city apartment and get rustic in the 'burbs with grandma and grandpa.

3. "We Are Family," Sister Sledge

That's all there is to say about that. Love them or hate them (while loving them), there's no denying that Thanksgiving is all about spending time with the ones you share DNA with. So, time to suck it up, let everyone know that YES you are still single and NO you don't want to meet their friend's granddaughter. Y'all are family.

4. "Not As Much As Football," Mojo Nixon

If your holiday experience is anything like mine, there's no way to rip your significant other and brothers away from the Turkey Day football matches. Perfecltly depicted in the 1995 ode to the pigskin. Yes, your boyfriend loves you. Just not as much as the Dallas Cowboys, and that will just have to be OK for today.

5. "Mashed Potato Time," Dee Dee Sharp

Arguably the best Thanksgiving side dish (though stuffing is a close bet, too), mashed potatoes are the only Thanksgiving food item to have their own dance. Douse those things with gravy, and you're tummy will be dancing with delight.

6. "I'm Like A Bird," Nelly Furtado

If potatoes get a song, so does the main meal itself: the turkey. No, you're not like the bird in that you're not covered in gravy and in the bellies of overstuffed folks. But you're free as can be. Because this is America.

7. "Apple Pie A La Mode," Destiny's Child

Now it's time for desert, and you best be putting some (pumpkin) flavored ice cream on that pie. So nice of Beyoncé and her crew to give us this ode to apple pie. Yummy!

8. "Thank You," Alanis Morrisette

Of course, Thanksgiving would be nothing without a little "thanks." Alanis Morrisette is thankful for a lot of things, so it shouldn't be too hard to think of just one thing this Thanksgiving. At the very least, we can all relate to the line "Thank you, silence" after everything has settled down.

Thanksgiving, Playlist, Nelly Furtado, Destiny's Child
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