Justin Bieber announces new Music Mondays single title, artwork: 'Change Me' [PHOTO]

Only two weeks remain in Justin Bieber's Music Mondays series, but that (of course) doesn't mean the teen idol is going to stop announcing his new singles! Yesterday (Nov. 29), Bieber revealed the single artwork and title for his ninth Music Mondays single on his Instagram. "Change Me" will be released Monday, Dec. 2, right at the stroke of midnight.

Like all of Bieber's Music Mondays singles (and the Believe track "Alone"), "Change Me" features a simple white background and Bieber's name and the song title in simple sans-serif light gray font. As if dropping new music at the stroke of 12 a.m. isn't fairytale enough for you, the newest artwork brings to mind tales of Snow White. A purple outlined mirror is the center image in this Music Mondays track, and it seems to symbolize the reflection that Bieber sees when he looks into the mirror.

Check out the single artwork, pictured above.

Of course the lyrical content of "Change Me" hasn't been released (and won't be revealed for another 24+ hours). However, thus far, each of the Music Mondays tracks (which are a part of Bieber's intimate music journals project) have revealed deep thoughts and insights about the oft-troubled pop superstar. He's tackled his public image ("All Bad"), his break up with Selena Gomez ("Heartbreaker," "Rollercoaster") and even his go-to lady moves ("PYD," feat. R. Kelly).

"Change Me" is then likely to follow the personal nature of the previous eight Music Mondays songs.

The track will debut at midnight on Monday, Dec. 2.

Justin Bieber, Music Mondays, Music Journals, Instagram
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