The semi-biographical film about Daft Punk, Eden has released its second trailer. The film, directed by Mia Hansen-Løve (Father Of My Children, First Love, Goodbye) follows two characters, Paul, an aspiring French DJ and his best friend Stan as they form their own electronic music producer/DJ duo in Paris. The second trailer dives a bit further into the complexities of the characters, including love interests, drug use and their rise within the French electronic music scene.
The film focuses on the Paul & Stan (loosely representing Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo), but also looks at French house music in the 1990s and the rise of the signature French electronic music sound, "French touch," which became incredibly popular through artists like Cassius and Daft Punk.
The film cleared its final major hurdle recently in getting Daft Punk music licensed for the film at a reasonable price of 3,700 Euros per song. According to Mia, along with her brother, Sven Hansen-Love, co-writer for the film, this process was crucial for getting the film done.
Sven and I were convinced because it was a tribute to house music and because Daft Punk supported the film we would find a way to [get the music rights] for much cheaper," explains Mia to the Hollywood Reporter. "My producers didn't believe us because unless the rights are negotiated beforehand you can't be sure how much it will cost."
The film has already been shown at several film festivals worldwide, but it will soon be released the public. It is being shown at the French Film Festival in Australia in March and April.
Watch the second trailer below and head to the movie's website for more information.
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