On Tuesday, Jan. 27, Snapchat rolled out its new feature, Discover, which partners the social media platform with major media giants to help users "discover" what is going on through its service. The new, built-in feature was rolled out with a 50-second story that was sent to all users and featured in a YouTube video that explained what it does and how users will be able to access it. The app has teamed up with Warner Music Group in addition to media giants Vice, The Daily Mail, Comedy Central, Cosmopolitan, Yahoo, People and National Geographic.
Fresh off of closing a whopping $485 million round of Series D funding, reports Billboard, the company is looking to move forward and increase its market share with this move. The Sony leaks revealed many of Snapchat's intentions as it tries to branch out into the media and music market, including the Discover feature and a potential music label.
The Discover section is accessed via a small circle in the top right corner of your "My Stories" screen. This then takes you to a new menu with the icons from the media companies the Los Angeles-based app has partnered with.
Warner is currently using the platform to preview various videos from Vance Joy, David Guetta, Blake Shelton and others before giving you the option to swipe up and view them in full.
The different companies update their stories regularly, and each story will be refreshed every 24 hours.
As consumers's attention spans get shorter, Snapchat is the latest way for people consume what happens around them in short bits. Unlike regular videos and "My Story" clips, the media feeds allow for videos that last several minutes, making the news from Vice or CNN worthwhile.
The new videos open the door for monetization and create prime real estate for advertisers looking to reach millennials.
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