In an innovative move, Madonna has announced that the first music video from Rebel Heart will be released through the new Discover feature on Snapchat's Snap Channel. Fans will be able to go on the app starting today, Feb. 5, and view the new video for "Living for Love." As of the writing of this post, the video was not uploaded to the app.
According to Billboard, the video was directed by J.A.C.K., a French duo made up of Julien Choquart and Camille Hirigoyen. Once it goes live, the video will be accessible by more than 200 million Snapchat users. Make sure to check your phone throughout the day because if we have learned one thing over the years, it is that Madonna knows how to put together an exciting music video.
The Discover feature went live last month and brings news and videos straight to a user's phone via Snapchat. Comedy Central, National Geographic, VICE, CNN and ESPN all have Discover channels on the app, with more companies bound to join. There had been rumors from the Sony Hack that Snapchat was developing something that would allow music videos to play through the app in partnership with Vevo. Those negotiations were presumably linked to Discover.
The Snapchat deal with Madonna marks a big step for the Queen of Pop getting on the good side of technology. Tracks from Rebel Heart leaked last year, and the singer was forced to go into defensive mode. She ended up releasing a few tunes around the holidays, dubbing them Christmas gifts for her fans. The alleged hacker who leaked the tracks was apprehended recently.
"I am profoundly grateful to the FBI, the Israeli police investigators and anyone else who helped lead to the arrest of this hacker. I deeply appreciate my fans who have provided us with pertinent information and continue to do so regarding leaks of my music. Like any citizen, I have the right to privacy," she said.
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