By all accounts, performing at the NFL Super Bowl halftime show is an incredibly nerve-wracking thing to do. Missy Elliott said her anxiety levels were off the charts before her set last Sunday, Feb. 1, and Katy Perry recently revealed that her preparation was no walk in the park, either. "In my show, I am boss daddy," she told Elle, referring to her typical world tour setup. "I am boss mommy. They call me Boss. Everything goes through my eyes; I call all the shots, 100 percent of it."
But working with the National Football League is a whole different animal than working with concert promoters.
"With the NFL, I have to be accountable to several levels of red tape," she said. "There are many committees I have to go through for my costumes, the budgets of my show, every interview -- everything, I have to report to somebody. So I am no longer the boss; I have to relinquish that control. We love this opportunity, but once you decide you're gonna do the Super Bowl, you're gonna have no f**king life for six months. It is the biggest thing. Anyone that's ever done it has been scared s**tless. You stay off the Internet for the five days afterward."
It has been five days, and Perry will be happy to read mostly positive reviews of her show. Meanwhile, her cohort Missy Elliott saw a massive increase in sales after the internationally televised gig.
The journey was not easy, though.
"I've been performing for 20-something years, and I have never experienced such anxiety," Missy said last week. "The day of the show I prayed all the way up to the stage. I went in praying."
MOST WATCHED SHOW IN US HISTORY?! Whelp, I gotta keep reminding myself I put my pants on leg at a time... But, yes I am incredibly proud!
— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) February 3, 2015
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