Tool New Album Rumors: Danny Carey Says Probably 2014, Maynard James Keenan Not In Studio Yet

Many bands release an album and are tearing at the bit to start recording a follow-up right away. Tool is not that band. The rock group has only released four albums since 1993, averaging five years between new LPs. It doesn't help that the band's last full-length "10,000 Days" debuted in 2006. There have been many suggestions, mainly by vocalist Maynard James Keenan and drummer Danny Carey, that a new album would drop in 2013. Now Carey is predicting early 2014.

"Right now, since we haven't started tracking stuff at this point, it'll be hard," the drummer said. "We could have the record finished by the end of the year - that's a possibility, but the logistics of getting it manufactured and getting the record company in line and all this stuff, I doubt we'll be able to get it out before Christmas. We'll see how it goes. Most likely, it'll be early 2014."

Part of the issue might be that every member is also wrapped up in side projects. Keenan has spent much of the time between albums working with A Perfect Circle and releasing new music with Puscifer. Carey's fusion band Volto! is releasing its debut album "Incitare" next week. Guitarist Adam Jones is not known to just lay down a part without meticulous planning, plus he frequently contributes as a producer for bands such as Isis.

"It's still the three of us right now and four of us it will be soon, you know, just working on all our parts and working on our compositions together," Carey said. "We're working everyday on it and it's going really well, so I'm hoping we'll get into the studio by the end of the year."

Ultimately, it looks like fans are at the mercy of the band and what it chooses to do. 2014 seems to be the official statement right now, but don't be surprised if it's 2015 by next month.

Tool, Maynard James Keenan, Isis
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