Bill Cosby Reaches Out to Fans With Bizarre Video Message

It seems that Bill Cosby's PR team realized that sending the same message every time a new accuser emerges was not exactly working out too well because today, March 9, they decided to try a different approach. Since everything is digital now, it probably made good sense for Cosby to tape a video message, but somewhere along the way his handlers seem to have totally dropped the ball. The comedian has relied on his concert tour to keep his career moving in the midst of one of the biggest sex scandals to hit any celebrity. Nearly 30 women have come forward with accusations that Cosby either drugged them, sexually assaulted them or both. Up until now the actor has avoided being seen on camera until today, which makes this video even more bizarre.

In it, Cosby looks like he is wearing pajamas and is talking on a rotary phone, promoting his upcoming show dates. After the 10-second clip is the message, "Dear Fans: I hope you enjoy my wonderful video message that's filled with laughter. Hey, hey, hey, I'm far from finished," appears onscreen.

Saying that he is "far from finished" has become a bit of a tagline for Cosby while he tries to salvage his career during these dark days. In the grand scheme of things, the clip is not going to do anything other than give people something else to be confused by. The latest round of accusations began last November and, as of now, he has yet to be charged with anything mainly because the statute of limitations has expired in many instances.

Readers: Do you think filming video clips will do anything to help Cosby's case with the general public, or is 10 seconds too little, far to late? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below.

Bill Cosby allegations, Sexual assault, Investigation
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