The family animated film, Home, is on path to exceed projected numbers for its opening weekend. The film, starring Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez, Steve Martin and Jim Parsons, has already reached $15.6 million on opening night (Friday, March 27), with projections to reach $55.5 million for the entire weekend.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Jeffrey Katzenberg's Dream Work's Animation Film earned an "A" CinemaScore and was the best showing for a Dream Work's Animation film in recent years.
Home cost $130 million to make and did very well internationally, according to THR. The family film grossed $20.1 million among 10 markets.
During a press day for Home, Rihanna, Parsons and Martin interviewed with Extra TV (via to talk, laugh and share their experiences working on the film. Martin looked at his cast mates and observed,
"It's an unlikely pairing-or trio-ing," he said jokingly.
On a more serious note, in an interview with MTV News, Rihanna discussed her Dior campaign and its cultural impact.
"It feels fantastic," she told MTV. "It is such a big deal for me, for my culture, for a lot of young girls of any color. I think to be acknowledged by Dior means a lot, as a woman, to feel beautiful-to feel elegant and timeless."
Rihanna will star in Dior's 4th installment of their campaign "Secret Garden." This incredible opportunity also marks the first time a Black woman was chosen to front the brand.
ET Online reported that the "Four Five Seconds" singer also received recognition and admiration from fashion icon Tom Ford, who revealed how beautiful he thought the singer was.
"I was at the CFDA awards as I was receiving a 'Lifetime Achievement Award'...and I have to say that Rihanna was for me, that night, one of the most beautiful women that I have ever beheld," Ford told ET Online. "As [my husband] Richard said plainly after the evening, 'If you are as beautiful as Rihanna, you almost owe it to the world to appear in public almost nude' and I have to say that I wholeheartedly concur."
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