Watch 2 Chainz, Diplo Drink $100,000 Bottle of Water on 'Most Expensivest S**t'

Rapper 2 Chainz linked up with recent collaborative partner Diplo to bring the "Revolution" DJ onto his GQ show Most Expensivest S**t. Together they met up with the only water sommelier -- yes, there are apparently sommeliers for not just wine but also H2O, to taste some fine waters. They tried three bottles of water, including 9OH2O, "The Water Experience," which will run you a tab of $100,000 for just one bottle.

Before they get to the outrageous water, they try some 15,000-year-old Canadian glacier water from Berg that apparently has almost no minerals in it. It only runs $20 a bottle. Then they try a naturally carbonated Vichy Catalan, which is the No. 1 water in Spain. It has a lot of minerals due to the carbonation and apparently is great to hydrate after a night out on the town. This one costs $13 a pop.

The main course arrives in a hard silver briefcase, something that would normally be filled with money, guns or drugs. The sommelier pulls out a water bottle of 9OH2O that has only been created in its $100,000 form nine times, including the one on video. It comes with a 14-karat-encrusted diamond cap and special glasses, while the water is infused with minerals that make it taste fruity without any added flavors.

2 Chainz dishes knowledge at the end, blunt in hand, and votes down on the idea of paying $100,000 for a bottle of water. He wisely notes that you can just drink rain and observes, while wearing his gold chains, that "if they add a diamond to something, they gonna run up a tab on you."

He will be sticking with his Aquafina, Fiji and Smart Waters for the time being.

Watch the tasting below via GQ, and let us know below if you would pay that kind of money just to have a drink of water.

2 Chainz, Diplo
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