'RHONJ' Teresa Giudice Sending Brother Joe Gorga Hate Mail From Prison

Fans of RHONJ are well aware of the chronic problems that seem to arise between Teresa Giudice and her brother Joe Gorga. She has long disapproved of his wife Melissa Gorga and spent several seasons on the reality series trying to unsuccessfully paint her as a bad person. Even when Guidice seemed to make up with the Gorgas it apparently was more for the cameras then it was for stabilizing the family. It looked like Giudice had made peace with just about everyone before turning herself in to begin serving her 13-month prison sentence for financial crimes, but that, too, was just an illusion. She is apparently sending her brother hate mail from prison.

Giudice's husband recently lost his driver's license for two years and, when asked if he would help to drive the couple's four kids around, Joe Giudice was quick to say no way. Last month, Melissa said she had volunteered to help but that the Giudices do not seem to want any from her, and the reason why seems to be getting clearer.

Apparently Giudice is blaming the family for her current situation. She seems to think that if the Gorgas had not been on The Real Housewives of New Jersey with her, then the judge would never have thought badly of her and she would have skated through her charges.

According to a report by Radar Online, "Joe wrote first to Teresa because he was worried about the show. He was thinking that they might not tape another season without Teresa. Teresa has been writing Joe Gorga letters stating how angry she is with him. She has sent about half a dozen of them. In the letters, Teresa has been telling her brother that she is still mad at him and Melissa for signing on to do RHONJ in the beginning without letting her know or getting her approval first. And the fact that Melissa and Joe brought Kathy Wakile onto the show the day before filming still infuriates Teresa as well. She feels like they all came on the show with the plan of taking her down," explained a source.

Do you think this reality show has been the catalyst to completely unraveling the family? Supposedly the Giudices and Gorgas got along fine before they allowed Bravo's cameras into their homes. It is kind of ironic that even after everything that has happened the network really wants Giudice to rejoin RHONJ once she is released from prison

Will Giudice grab the money offered by Bravo and continue to let reality television ruin her family life? Tell us your thoughts about this messy situation in the comments section below.

Teresa Giudice, Joe Gorga, Melissa Gorga, Jail, RHONJ, Reality tv, Bravo
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