Now the shoe is on the other foot. According to a new report by the (New York) Daily News, Lil Wayne is being sued by his ex-bus driver for assault and emotional distress after making threats toward the man on the road. The "Start a Fire" rapper is accused of becoming angry and pulling a gun on his tour bus driver last August after stopping the vehicle to fill up on gas after a concert near Buffalo. Lil Wayne is currently embroiled in a protracted and nasty lawsuit with his parent label Cash Money Records, which will make this lawsuit more difficult to deal with.
"I want to get to the hotel now," Wayne demanded, threatening to beat up the driver, said the driver Mark Jones in the lawsuit. Wayne reportedly "did not stop yelling, cursing and threatening."
Not letting up, Weezy then threatened to pistol whip the driver and sic his security guards on Jones, which has been proven to be a powerful weapon in the past.
Jones pulled over, fearing for his safety and Wayne -- real name Dwayne Carter -- taunted him to fight. Jones refused and Weezy "resumed his tirade." The demand for a fight happened once more at a tollbooth, though Jones refused.
Wayne "then cocked the gun and at close range to [the driver] pointed it directly at him and said, 'I want to get to the hotel now.'"
Jones drove the rest of the way with Carter's gun to his head and quit once he got to the hotel because "he feared for his life" and was "emotionally traumatized."
It is noted in the lawsuit that "all the passengers rode in silence" but at least one of them sent messages to Wayne's manager Cortez Bryant about what was happening on the bus and who happened to be waiting at the hotel.
Jones is accusing Wayne of false imprisonment, assault and emotional distress. He is seeking an unspecified amount of damages.
With this lawsuit and the current Cash Money court action, fans should not expect to be hearing much from Weezy with all the depositions, hearings and meetings he will be going to in the following months. Stay tuned to see how the lawsuits play out.
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