U2 Fans Got a Surprise Tool Record When Buying 'Songs of Innocence' Vinyl; Elaborate Promo Stunt?

There's simply no way to get U2's Songs of Innocence without a bit of trouble: The band drew the ire of iTunes users everywhere when listeners found the album forced upon them via the Apple program during September. Now the group has gotten around to releasing a vinyl version of the controversial release and some buyers are finding something else entirely: pressings of Tool's debut EP Opiate instead of the more streamlined Songs of Innocence. Did the alt-metal band pull off the greatest promotional stunt ever, trumping even U2 itself?

No, unfortunately. It was some sort of accident, albeit one that Tool appreciated greatly (from Rolling Stone).

"Nice freakin' try, U2," the band trolled via its Facebook page. "Some very lucky people who purchased U2's Songs Of Innocence during a recent record store release found instead a copy of Tool's 1992 Opiate EP inside. Kind of makes you believe in mysterious higher powers, doesn't it?"

U2 was releasing the vinyl version of the album as a Record Store Day first-run. The error doesn't seem to be widespread, as just a few mistaken copies were reported from a shop in the UK, but the damage was done. Many publications were quick to point out the irony that fans already had access to the album for free, yet when they went of their way to pay for a physical copy, they got something else entirely.

No additional reports have come forth with suggestions as to how the error occurred, so we're going to be the first to suggest that a prankster at the pressing operation is having a laugh. After all, it's not as if just any random jazz record or something innocuous found its way into U2's sleeves...it was an EP by Tool. Those who ended up with the prank copies should just consider themselves lucky that they didn't get Opiate's liner notes as well...considering the staged photos of necrophilia held within.

U2, Tool, Songs of innocence
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