Tidal to Stream Jack White's North Dakota Acoustic Gig

On his first ever entirely acoustic tour, Jack White scheduled stops for each of the five states he's never performed in. Following shows in Alaska, Idaho, South Dakota and Wyoming, his North Dakota show date will wrap-up the acoustic tour and be recorded to stream on Tidal.

North Dakota's Fargo Theatre will house the last stop on White's acoustic tour. A few lucky North Dakotan Tidal subscribers were automatically entered into a pool to win tickets. The Racounteers rocker is among the copious amount of high-profile artists to sign deals supporting rapper Jay Z's streaming site.

Succeeding the 8:30 p.m. performance and live stream, the exclusive concert will be available on Tidal's on-demand feature. In part of supporting the high quality streaming service, artists arranged to provide restricted content to its users--White has even made phone calls to Tidal users thanking them for their beginning loyalty.

The 5-state acoustic tour spanned the remaining states unvisited by White during his solo career or during his time as a member of the White Stripes, the Dead Weather or the Raconteurs. Tickets were sold for just $3 in each state, all of which were a part of the 2007 White Stripes tour but cancelled due to Meg White's acute anxiety, notes Rolling Stone. Eight years later, White repays the extremely patient fans with one-of-a-kind gigs, making show announcements the same day the show will ensue.

Although White remained sneaky about tour announcements, North Dakota fans had a feeling he would soon be entering the Peace Garden state. Nearly 150 fans inferred he would play the stage at the Fargo Civic Center--the venue the 2007 show was supposed to take place in--and camped outside. Approximately 650 accurate guessers lingered outside the Fargo Theatre, all hoping to get one of the 800 exclusive wristbands that guaranteed admittance into the show.

As Inforum reported, "I was hedging my bets on yesterday, but today I won," said Ken Mendez, who took the drive from Crookston, Minnesota, two days in a row.

Tidal, Jack White
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