Kris Jenner Has Found a Way to Profit Off of Bruce Jenner's Sex Change

Kris Jenner is apparently scrambling to save face in the midst of her ex-husband, Bruce Jenner confirming to the world that,that for all intents and purposes, he is already a woman. In his exclusive interview with Diane Sawyer a few weeks ago, Bruce confirmed that Kris has known exactly what's up, in spite of her previous denials and he has made it very clear that from this point on, his life will be presented his way. He is in complete control of his upcoming E! docuseries but leave it to Kris to still find a way to profit from the situation. On May 17, a very special two-hour episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians will focus on the entire family's response to Bruce's transitioning.

According to a report by Radar Online, "this was simply Kris' way of trying to cash in and profit off his journey. Apparently, Kris and Bruce had it out over this upcoming two-hour special because she wanted to use some of the footage that he was saving for the docuseries in the special. Kris is not in charge of that though. Bruce has complete control over the docuseries and this series, and that drives Kris absolutely mad. After Kris got so much crap for the way she handled herself during his transition, it seems she has been in a real dark place," says an insider.

Kris has manufactured so many different scenarios and used family crises as a storyline on so many occasions that it's almost hard to figure out what reality for her looks like. But it seems pretty safe to assume that finding out the man that she was married to for more than 20 years is going through with a sex change must be a pretty big shot to her ego, right? Do you think that the reports are true about her really struggling to handle this situation?

Will you be tuning in to see just how the Kardashian family is dealing with Bruce's changes? Or could you care less what they have to say? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Kris Jenner, Bruce Jenner, Sex change, Reality tv, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Docuseries
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