Ryan Seacrest Says 'About Bruce' Two-Part Special is 'Very Emotional'

We told you the other day that the Kardashian's have a two-part special coming up that will focus completely on their reaction to Bruce Jenner's transformation into a woman. About Bruce will air on E! on May 17 and 18th and it will feature all sorts of conversations between Jenner and the rest of his blended family. This special is reportedly being handled by Kris Jenner and it will obviously be aimed at making the family look empathetic towards Jenner's new change in appearance and lifestyle. Executive producer, Ryan Seacrest is now saying that this special contains some heavy duty emotional content from various family members.

"I watched it back, and I thought it was very emotional and very compelling. We've got a two-part special where Bruce talks to his family about everything, which is extremely emotional and very, very raw. I do know they have a very powerful couple hours of TV coming up." Seacrest told Us Weekly in a recent exclusive interview.

There have been some reports out there that claim nearly every scene in About Bruce feels very scripted. Do you think that this family was really willing to discuss their real and raw emotions with those cameras rolling? Or is it more likely that this is the second time that Jenner is having these same conversations, this time for the benefit of the cameras and the viewers at home?

Will you be tuning in to see how the family reacts to the news that Jenner is ready to fully transition into a woman? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Bruce Jenner, Bruce Jenner sex change, Kris Jenner, Ryan Seacrest, Reality tv
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