FIfth Harmony Gets Angelic for New PETA 2 Campaign: 'Worth It' Group Encourages Animal Kindness

Fifth Harmony: Worth It

As a part of the charity's "Be an Angel for Animals" campaign, 5H posed for some sassy and sweet shots for the youth-friendly PETA 2 and shot a public service announcement about animal rights, reminding fans that there are many ways to "earn your halo" as a compassionate person for animals.

In the video, each member of Fifth Harmony revealed the pro-animal cause that is closest to her heart.

"You don't need wings or a halo to be an 'angel' for animals," said Lauren Jauregui. For Camila Cabello, the message was, "Always adopt-never buy animals from pet stores or breeders. And always spay or neuter."

Normani Kordei reminded Harmonizers to "Make your animal companion part of your family. Never leave cats or dogs unattended outside." Ally Brooke Hernandez wants fans to "Say no to circuses that exploit and abuse animals." And for Dinah Jane Hansen, the message was familiar to those who follow animal rights: "Keep cruelty out of your closet. Don't buy clothing with real fur or fur trim."

When they're not on hand for new PETA campaigns, Fifth Harmony is busy promoting the release of its debut album Reflection, which was released earlier this year. Thus far, the album has spawned hit singles "Worth It," "Sledgehammer" and "BO$$."

Fifth Harmony
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