Soundcloud vs Sony: Madeon Slams Imminent Takedown of Account

The war between Soundcloud and the second largest label in the world, Sony, is getting uglier by the day. It was reported earlier this month that negotiations between the two parties had broken down over "lack of monetization opportunities" and Sony was pulling down music from some of its major artists like Passion Pit, Adele and Miguel. Now the takedowns are spreading to their smaller artists and some are not happy at all. One artist who is about to get his music removed from Soundcloud is French electronic producer, Madeon, and he is not happy at all about the situation.

In a series of tweets, Madeon revealed that his music was going to be pulled down from Soundcloud in the next few days and if fans want to listen to his music, they should do it now.

The Adventure producer praises his label Columbia, which is a under the umbrella of Sony, but blasts the "disconnected-from-reality strategy" employed by Sony corporate.

Read his tweets below and head to Madeon's Soundcloud page to listen to his music for one last time on the medium -- or until Sony and Soundcloud work things out. Stay tuned as more artists get their accounts taken down in the coming days and weeks.

Madeon, SoundCloud, Sony
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