Jack White Fan Q&A: 'Lazaretto' Rocker Opens Up About White Stripes, Touring, the Media & More

Jack White seems to be going through a bit of a rough patch right now, as he takes a break from touring off his last album Lazaretto. Over the weekend, the former White Stripes frontman held a chat for members of the Third Man Records Vault, where he revealed being tired of touring, his strained relationship with Meg White and a general tiredness with his place in the spotlight.

The full Q&A is only available to members of the Vault, but Consequence of Sound pulled some of the quotes from the transcript.

On touring:

"i'd say half the shows i play i'd rather not play. festivals for example. but i have to make the best of it and try to get inspired," he wrote. "it's hard when the people who organize festivals basically control my life ... i have to book shows around their offer that i can't refuse ... it's very expensive to tour ... people think that's how musicians make their money these days sadly, but it's hard to on the road no matter what size you are ... only seated theaters for acoustic shows for the rest of my days."

"sometimes creating in a closet and never releasing it has its advantages"

On his relationship with Meg White:

"she doesn't answer her phone," he wrote. "that time is gone."

On his public persona and the media:

"it's funnier for them to box me into that technology hating wax cylinder guy. it would be easier for me to like what everyone else does and not get hassled, but i try to find something inspiring in whatever i have my hands on, it's usual mixing the newest with what is soulful from the past i think."

On what people may not know about him:

"that i don't belong here, and most of the time [it's] torture trying to find reasons to stay."

A cache of White's conversation, where he gets a little more jovial at times, can be found online here.

Jack White
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