Jack White Fan Q&A Cleared Up By Third Man Records in "CLICK BAIT BINGO EXHAUSTION"

Third Man Records: around the Internet

In a length post addressed to "Friends, family, journalists, naysayers, believers, tweeter & 'grammers," the official Third Man Records page criticized the media for using White for "clickbait" and moved through a slew of rumors to say that there was no real story in the fan chat.

"Jack went into a fan forum and did a Q&A with some fans. This has now ballooned up in the press in a way that is suggesting Jack is going to retire, Jack will never play festivals, Jack won't speak to Meg, etc ad nauseum.. No offense to any journalists that are 'just doing their job' in this current 1 hour news cycle environment, pull quote, tabloid atmosphere but this is what happens when you isolate aspects of a conversation between a musician and his fans in a private forum and put it out into the blogosphere in a sensational way. It completely changes the context and intent of those statements, and the conversation," the post wrote.

As for Meg White, whom Jack said does not answer her phone, Third Man Records defended her right to privacy, noting Jack was sick of answering questions about her. "The stuff about Meg... She doesn't have to answer her phone. He's not even complaining about that nor is it depressing. The White Stripes is over and it's been said a hundred times, and maybe that's just the quickest way for him to answer that question he gets asked a dozen times a day," the label wrote.

Third Man also touched on the fact that White will tour again, but he already announced he was taking a lengthy break. "He never said that, but he IS taking a long break from the road (which was previously announced and discussed drama free over a month ago). He said he'd like to do acoustic shows in sit down venues and electric shows in standing venues. He said he doesn't like festivals but hey, he does them anyway and he makes them work. Bonnaroo and Coachella were two of the greatest shows he's ever been a part of (hell, we released his Bonnaroo set as a Vault release cause we loved it so much)," the statement said. "He is not quitting music."

Third Man Records also revealed that White is not suicidal. His comment "I don't belong here" was a joke about being in the fan forum.

Read the full statement below, via Third Man Record's Facebook page:

JACK WHITE CLICK BAIT BINGO EXHAUSTIONFrom the desk of The Third Man Council For Internet Regulation and Journalistic...

Posted by Third Man Records on Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Jack White, Third Man Records
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