Secret Solstice $200,000 Ticket MIGHT Get You Private Wu-Tang Show. Maybe.

Several publications have already pointed out the growing problem of V.I.P. sections at music festivals but the Secret Solstice in Reykjavik, Iceland, is looking to put all other exclusive music experiences to shame with what it's calling "the world's most expensive festival ticket." The asking price? $200,000.

And what does one get for 200 grand? Start with first class flight arrangements to the festival, a five bedroom villa for you and your guest (feel free to call us, eventual buyer) for five nights, helicopter transport around the area, depending on where you're going, a "private experience" at the Blue Lagoon-a famous geothermal spa in the area-personal assistants and drivers (on call 24 hours-a-day), a private 100 ft. yacht party (which apparently includes skeet shooting), private chefs for the entirety of your stay, and one very special meal in the magma chamber of a dormant volcano.

You'll note we haven't said anything about music yet. Never fear: The ultimate package also includes a private performance from one of the festivals headliners, as well as a concert for you and the 70 attractive individuals you choose that will take place inside of a glacier (a world first, according to the site).

The excellence of this deal is almost entirely based upon which one of the headliners is giving the private performance. Because, frankly, the Wu-Tang Clan would be worth the price of admission, even if the group did outnumber you and your guest roughly seven-to-one. That said, we wouldn't complain about FKA Twigs either.

We're not sure if they're going to be able to sell this sucker however. The Secret Solstice is taking place on the weekend of June 19-21 (two weeks from publication) and is still available. If you're looking for a last minute birthday gift idea for someone special...

Wu-Tang Clan, Fka twigs
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