Joan Jett and The Runaways Rocked by Kim Fowley Rape Allegation

The rock 'n' roll world was shocked this week when Jackie Fuchs—who played bass with Joan Jett and The Runaways under the alias Jackie Fox—alleged that famed manager Kim Fowley raped her after a gig during the '70s. The incident was made even less comfortable by Fuchs' implication that Jett was present and looked on as the event took place. The guitarist, who was recently inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, denied the latter suggestion.

"Anyone who truly knows me understands that if I was aware of a friend or bandmate being violated, I would not stand by while it happened. For a group of young teenagers thrust into '70s rock stardom there were relationships that were bizarre, but I was not aware of this incident," she said in a statement. "Obviously Jackie's story is extremely upsetting and although we haven't spoken in decades, I wish her peace and healing."

According to reports from Fuchs, the band was attending a hotel party near Orange County, CA, on New Year's Eve following a show. Fuchs reports that Fowley gave her several Quaaludes, a notorious sedative drug, and she stated that she heard him asking a crew member if they would like to take part (they declined). When she woke up, Fowley was in the process of raping her.

Although it's obviously been quite some time since the incident took place, Fuchs said that she was inspired to come forth with her story after the spate of similar incidents in the news recently, including the many allegations against Bill Cosby and the ongoing lawsuit between Kesha and producer Dr. Luke.

Fowley died of bladder cancer during January and it seems unlikely that any legal action will come to challenge Fuchs' claims. It's a black eye on the history of rock 'n' roll, regardless of which account is true.

Joan Jett, Bill Cosby, Kesha, Dr. Luke
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