Following the death of 22-year-old Bobbi Kristina Brown, her estate has filed a multimillion wrongful death lawsuit against boyfriend Nick Gordon on Friday. Through Brown's estate conservator Bedelia Hargrove, the lawsuit claims that Gordon "gave Bobbi Kristina a toxic cocktail rendering her unconscious and then put her face down in a tub of cold water."
The lawsuit further accuses Gordon of removing lump sums of money from Brown's account and pouring it into his own in the passing months before the bathtub incident. "This was all part of a scheme to control Bobbi Kristina and benefit from her wealth," the lawsuit states. The estate hopes to acquire $10 million for the assault, conversion, battery and intentional infliction of emotional stress, USA Today notes.
The daughter of Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston was found unconscious in her Atlanta home on January 31, then spending almost six months in a coma before her death at a hospice on July 26. "I am deeply saddened by the recent death of Bobbi Kristina Brown," Hargrove said. "I extend my sincerest condolences to all of her family. Consistent with and to the letter of the civil action I initially filed on behalf of Bobbi Kristina, we will continue to pursue justice for her. I have filed today an amended complaint against Nicholas Gordon adding a count for wrongful death and for pain and suffering. We will leave no stone unturned in seeking justice for Bobbi Kristina Brown."
Gordon has a lengthy history of abusing Brown in front of witnesses, such as the time he lunged at her with such strength that he broke the couch she was sitting on. He's also been known to have beaten Brown so severely that she lost a tooth and her face was bloodied.
"Defendant [Gordon] then demanded that she go upstairs," the lawsuit reads. "Bobbi Kristina began crawling on the floor because she could not stand up due to the injuries Defendant inflicted. Defendant then dragged her upstairs by her hair and threw her in the master bedroom, leaving blood on the walls of the staircase. Afterward, Defendant stated to persons present, 'I don't do this often,' indicating this was not the first time Defendant beat her."
As for January 31 bathtub incident, the lawsuit claims that after "being out all-night on a cocaine and drinking binge," Gordon argued with Brown in the kitchen before bringing matters to the bedroom. After a half-hour of fighting "everything abruptly became quiet," witnesses said. Gordon then switched his outfit and left the bedroom. After 15 minutes passed, a guest went to check on Brown to find her unresponsive in the bathtub.
Criminal charges have yet to be been filed against Gordon regarding Brown's death. "Nick has been heartbroken and destroyed over the loss of his love and it's shameful that such baseless allegations have been presented publicly," Gordon's lawyers Jose Baez and Joe Habachy said in a statement (via CNN). "Nick has engaged civil counsel and intends to defend the lawsuit vigorously and expose it for what it is: a fictitious assault against the person who loved Krissy most."
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