Jack White: Dead Weather Custom Drum Kit and Technique Explained in New Video

Jack White can often be a mysterious figure, but in a new video promoting the new album Dodge And Burn from his latest work with The Dead Weather, The White Stripes frontman gives a tour of his custom drum kit and discusses technique while playing "Hang You From The Heavens."

The bit begins with a lively White talking about how everyone in the band thinks the most important component to The Dead Weather is the bass guitar. White cleverly flips it around to mean the most important component is actually the bass drum, and the bigger the better he explains. Although he wanted to go for a full 30-inch bass drum, he opted for 26 inches claiming it gets too loose past that mark. You can check out Dracula's three brides etched onto the bass drum face.

Three drums straddle him on his left and right side, two snares and a tom on the left and three floor toms on the right. With a large 16-inch snare he's able to get a deep sound, while the other is a high pitch "marching band" snare. The 16-inch tom on his left is the same as the first two floor toms on his right, each tuned a little differently to get a descending low pitch.

White can't help but smile reminiscing about saving up all his money for a Paiste Signature Fast Crash Cymbal and riding his bike out to Wonderland Music in Dearborn Michigan to buy it.

The video concludes with a performance of "Hang You From The Heavens" from the band's 2009 album Horehound, in which White actually breaks the head on his bass drum.

Dodge and Burn drops September 25, via White's own Third Man Records and will stream exclusively on Tidal. You won't want to miss the band's first performance in five years on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert next Monday.

The Dead Weather, Jack White
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